The above is of where I am writing this as we speak - how gorgeous is this office??!
Unfortunately, the holiday I was envisioning for the Swiss experience has been hijacked with the preparation of the birthday celebrations! Its been fun still, but the days have been filled with doing rubbish trips, shopping missions, cleaning the house, organising everything and assembling IKEA furniture... We've still been trying to do it with grace and gratitude and thanks that we are in this lovely environment, but I've not really given myself the opportunity to sit, dream and plan!
But I have put time aside to look at my September dreams. A few will be carried over from August, but I am also realistically prepared to carry some over to October as September is looking a very busy month with returning to Sydney on the 16th, finishing work and all that entails for the 24th while celebrating farewells and Steering Committee meetings and a few other things in my first week back in Aussie land. Regardless here is September!
1. Celebrate Mum and Dad's birthdays (6th and 7th Sept) and enjoy the time with all the guests coming.
2. Enjoy family trip to Germany for the 10-yearly Passion Play in Oberamergao.
3. Organise and finalise Christmas trip dates.
4. Celebrate one year anniversary with the Man on the 19th Sept!!!
5. Organise and finalise living arrangements in Sydney
6. Steering Committee Meetings and organising online SC
7. Prepare thank yous and farewells to Staff and Students
8. Start looking at potential business set up with home building
9. Give and facilitate women's talk on finance at work on my last day!
10. Work out a personal routine for new work/life set up.
11. Start Transition plans to 10thousandgirl
12. Set up amazing home work space
13. Continue the Success Principles.
So, looking back at my August dreams, I was perhaps being overly ambitious with a few, especially in regards to my dreams associated with home as I was away and busy with work! So what did I achieve?
1. Enjoy weekly date night and quality time with The Man; DONE!
2. Get started on Jack Canfield's The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be. Read and implement at least 1 per week; DOING,I'VE DONE MORE READING THAN IMPLEMENTING
3. Organise, facilitate and enjoy the 10thousandgirl Steering Committee Monthly meetings; DONE FOR THE SYDNEY COMMITTEE
4. Experience and celebrate Melissa and Julian's wedding and festivities in Perth; DONE!
5. Savour family and friends time in Perth; DONE!
6. Plan for, pack and set intentions for Dad's Birthday Europe trip (leaving 27th August 2010) DONE!
7. Create and buy Dad's birthday presents; IN PROGRESS
8. Start handing over job responsibilites to Successor at work; DONE
9. Regularly Journal and Blog my experiences; I'M GETTING BETTER AT THIS
10. Start transition to 10thousandgirl with plans and personal set up; NOT YET
11. Organise a fabulous wardrobe space; NOT YET
12. Set up amazing home work space; NOT YET
13. Set up workable personal routine; NOT YET
14. Ensure I'm spending enough quality time with myself... TRYING TO!