Happy Octoberfest! Though I didn't really celebrate Octoberfest this year, I at least had a beer :)
So, my October dreams (and once again it is the middle of October and I started this post on the 1st October and only posting it now!). I found this month quite difficult to come up with a list, but I think that is because of starting the new job, I'm not really sure how things are going to work during the week. I guess I will know a little more in the coming weeks.
1. Continue declutter and organisation of home
2. Start new work routine
3. Rent out apartment in Perth
4. Start and maintain exercie routine
5. Smooth into new work routines
6. Sort through receipts
7. Create workable filing and workflows
8. Create happiness project
(and because I'm already half way through October - i'm already well on my way on many of the above!) Yay!
So, the review of my September dreams. I did pretty well, a few things were postponed due to others' schedules, but managed to tick quite a few off:
1. Celebrate Mum and Dad's birthdays (6th and 7th Sept) and enjoy the time with all the guests coming. DONE!
2. Enjoy family trip to Germany for the 10-yearly Passion Play in Oberamergao. DONE! WAS FAB
3. Organise and finalise Christmas trip dates. IN PROGRESS
4. Celebrate one year anniversary with the Man on the 19th Sept!!! DONE AND WONDERFUL
5. Organise and finalise living arrangements in Sydney. BEING FINALISED
6. Steering Committee Meetings and organising online SC. DONE
7. Prepare thank yous and farewells to Staff and Students. DONE, just have to deliver present off to them
8. Start looking at potential business set up with home building. RECONSIDERING
9. Give and facilitate women's talk on finance at work on my last day! POSTPONED
10. Work out a personal routine for new work/life set up. IN PROGRESS
11. Start Transition plans to 10thousandgirl. IN PROGRESS. Start tomorrow!
12. Set up amazing home work space - DONE!
13. Continue the Success Principles - haven't done much of it this month
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