Well...It's already half way through August, but I thought I'd still post my August Dreams.
I've written these dreams out on a piece of paper and put them in my organiser so I can refer to them often and see what my over-arching priorities for the month are, which then guide my daily activities.
- Enjoy weekly date night and quality time with The Man;
- Get started on Jack Canfield's The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be. Read and implement at least 1 per week;
- Organise, facilitate and enjoy the 10thousandgirl Steering Committee Monthly meetings;
- Experience and celebrate Melissa and Julian's wedding and festivities in Perth;
- Savour family and friends time in Perth;
- Plan for, pack and set intentions for Dad's Birthday Europe trip (leaving 27th August 2010)
- Create and buy Dad's birthday presents;
- Start handing over job responsibilites to Successor at work;
- Regularly Journal and Blog my experiences;
- Start transition to 10thousandgirl with plans and personal set up;
- Organise a fabulous wardrobe space;
- Set up amazing home work space;
- Set up workable personal routine;
- Ensure I'm spending enough quality time with myself...
Wow, I have to say that looking at life in this way does focus my attention. It also seems a little exhausting but so many of them are incredibly rewarding and important tasks. And I think it is okay for me to say I am feeling a little tired and that some rewards are definitely warranted for myself (though, I did spoil myself already today with a session at the beautician - pleasure and pain with waxing, a facial and an amazing massage thanks to Jamilla at Advanced Beauty Leichhardt)...
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