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Summer Christmas! |
I feel as if this month has gone past in a blur of productivity and yummy refreshments. Luckily December is a great month to stop and review the past year and start looking forward to the next. My December Dreams are mainly made up of these activities :)
- 2012 Year in review session
- New Year's goals and resolutions
- Revamp routines
- Plan projects and commitments for 2013
- Develop product range for Life is Crafted
- Develop product range for LifeTyped
- Maintain Family Christmas tradition - interviews
- Celebrate NYE with ones I love
- Finally go to the hairdresser!
- Other long overdue pampering - massage & beautician
- Attend Hungarian Christmas party with The Man
- Host informal LifeTyped launch party and catch up drinks
- Attend 10thousandgirl Link Up Event
- Write a gift guide and share goodies with friends and network
- Attend local Christmas street party and connect with neighbours
- Check out the Finders Keepers market
- Wave a temporary farewell to biz partner as she jets off to New Zealand
- Organise computer - clean up desktop and files
- Esty and Andable myself up
- Find awesome basic advice from an accountant for legal set up
- Tax prep
- Launch Life is Crafted - printable planner refills that are more than just an appointment recorder - Done! So excited to finally see the tangible outcome of one of my dreams!
- Launch another biz of which I have a wonderful Co-founder :) - Done! www.lifetyped.com is live! Gorgeous prints around celebrating life!
- Do more videos for my Life is Crafted YouTube channel - feel free to subscribe! - Done! I'm so chuffed to have over 100 subscribers now - I've got some great videos in the works too :)
- Organise Perth christmas trip (mostly Zander related organisation - we'll have a flying puppy!) - Done! We just need to get a crate now...
- Spend quality time with the Daddy-O - It has been challenging with so many business things going on, but we've managed to have wonderful dinners together most nights and we went out for a lovely lunch yesterday!
- Write my non-fiction version of NaNoWriMo - Not done! I mean really. What was I thinking?! Launching two businesses and writing a book?! This has been postponed!!
- Help out at Bookclub Fundraiser join us if you can! - Done! What an eye-opening evening. I laughed and I cried and I got inspired to help. If you've not already heard of Geraldine Cox and her Sunrise Children's Villages in Cambodia, I strongly suggest you do. One way of supporting is buying candles
- Attend lovely friends' baby shower - Done! Some great ideas and activities!
- Jazz in the Park, dinners with friends, Bday celebrations and nothing more! - Done! I really tried to keep focussed on what I had to do in the short-term. I worked hard and had a few outings - but nothing too over the top!
- Remember tear myself away from the computer to exercise because it is good for me - Hmmm, so so. I did start yoga back up for a few days, but I really need to get back into the swing of things now that the urgent launch dates are over
- Maintain date nights with The Man - Hmmm, not so great at doing this. Luckily The Man is uber understanding and supportive!
- Breathe, be grateful and enjoy the busy-ness! Remember the big picture. - Done! I'm not saying it was easy and I didn't get stressed, but most of the time I remembered to try and enjoy the journey - It helped when others noticed I was very stressed and pointed it out and reminded me to breathe :)
What's one of the things you're planning for December Savvies?
Make it as you wish,
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