I don't have too much time at the moment so this TiLT is just a quick one!
What's been making me feel good and what I've been loving:

Juices galore

The sun shining through after cloudy days

Beautiful pictures and photos people take

Google - what did we do before it??

Fresh air

Awesome girls doing our
10thousandgirl Life Planning Workshop

True Blood Episodes! Finally catching up


Being able to sit in the pub for a few hours without wanting a drink - go raw water ;)
Kris Carr
Melody Carlson's new book
Glamour in the
On The Runway series - random I know but I love something about it

Travel literature - one day I would love to go to Italy and/or France and immerse myself in the culture and write a book - it's been done, but I'm sure I could put my imprint on it

My Mum, she came for a whirlwind visit and bought me a bunch of my favourite flowers - stargazer lillies

Picnics - had one with The Man for Valentine's Day

Working when in the flow - how awesome is that?!

Big Hair...Big Nails nail colour by OPI

Health food stores - all the awesome things I don't even know about

Blenders, juicers, graters - wonderful tools!

Holding strong despite the detractors

Love, love, love

Did I mention Love?
What are you loving this week?
Make it as you wish SSSs
Arienne xo
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