Why are we interested in the lives of others? Is it so that we feel connected to others? So that we can know that the thoughts, feelings, stresses and joys that we have in our everyday are shared by others? So that we can narrow the divide between ourselves and strangers on the other side of the world?
And I'm not talking about celebrities and the superficial details and dramas we hear about on celebrity news shows and magazines. This is real people, writing blogs, sharing their stories - their journeys, inspirations, disappointments, fun, adventures, and goals.
I've started collecting a list of blogs to check regularly. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to look at them on such a regular basis, but at least I'll be able to access blogs on business, life, inspiration, motivation and creativity as needed. I'll share these when I collect a well rounded snapshot of blogs, because I seem to keep stumbling across treasures every day.
I'd love to share more of my journey. I'm not exactly sure what the end point is. I have a pretty good idea in my head of what I want my life to look like (and feel like), but I don't think I necessarily have a 'when I have two kids and a house on the best street'
I guess this is a journey towards a life of living my everyday with as much style, authenticity, ease, joy, giving-back, inspiration, passion, drive, love, laughter and humour as possible.
There are so many areas of life as a Savvy Sassy She that we can work on and it is a gradual improvement in all these parts that can make a life really, authentically whole and appreciated.
I really do love the idea of blogging on life's journey, but I also know it takes effort, a willingness to share fears, hopes, vulnerabilites and strengths as well as the discipline to do it regularly. Which can be quite difficult when I have a life that is quite full and stretched at times. So I will try to blog at least once a week, but the times I don't make it I won't punish myself too much.
Being open to a blog means looking at your life slightly differently. You open your eyes a little more to what is around you in your everyday and what actions you are taking. And of course you try to make them a little more interesting (wow...washing dishes can be a meditative practice and a time to put a problem out there to find a solution instead of just clearing dirt off eating utensils). And you start carrying around your camera to take great photos of everyday, normally mundane activities and objects (oooh, look how the light is reflecting off the clean laundry?!). Or play around with the effects on the camera while taking photos at an exhibition of the universe the man and I went through (as my photo above shows).
So, make it as you wish SSS