Namaste - a word I have always loved after hearing that it meant 'The divine in me bows to the divine in you'. How fabulous is that!
I've started Power Vinyasa Yoga at the local centre and am absolutely loving it. It's doing yoga at 30 degrees (centigrade my international friends) and you sweat your arse off while stretching, increasing your balance and improving your core. All the while giving yourself space, 'me' time and relaxation.
I also recently spoke to a male friend who had a very bad breakup with a yogi. He and another friend have a theory that yoga can also make people very self centred. My theory is that it depends on the individual... Thoughts?
I've been a few weeks without going to yoga and I really have to say that I miss it. My body feels the difference, my mind feels the difference and I can't wait to get back to Sydney to continue the journey.
Some of my favourite yoga resources are:
20 Minute Yoga Sessions - Podcasts you can download from itunes and put on your ipod or phone for yoga on the go
Kimberly Wilson - for living a stylish life of yoga on and off the mat. She also sells books and yoga workout recording from her main site.
Make it as you wish SSSs!
Arienne xo
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