My favourite moment of the year came on the 28th December when The Man asked me to be his wife
So as part of my 2011 review I went through my organiser and picked out a few highlights and events of the year. It was a really great exercise to appreciate what I experienced and accomplished in the year and it also gave me hints as to what I want to achieve for 2012.
At the chalet with family
Flew premium economy
Weekend away to Taree for Miss C's birthday
Miss C living with us
Joined Toastmasters
Started raw food experiment
Started exercise routine – Bootycamp
UN Women’s Day Breakfast
10thousandgirl Launch
Spoke at government department
Completed 3 weeks of raw food
Fantastic friend's wedding at Port Macquarie
Co-facilitated 10thousandgirl Life Planning workshop
Dale Beaumont Seminar
Dad arrives to stay!
Decided to revamp my 10thousandgirl role
Started Issey contract
Co-facilitated Canberra 10thousandgirl Workshop
th birthday – dinner and Party
Immigration Visa granted!
Co-facilitated Sydney 10thousandgirl Workshop
Did Joie de Vivre e-course
Started content role with 10thousandgirl
Third eye meditation workshop
Went to Perth
Theta Healing workshops – basic and advanced
Did first 10thousandgirl podcast
Reached goal weight - yay!
Weekend away in the mountains with Lissanthea, Bryanna and Zoe
Joined JCI
Got Zander
Bucket List Podcast included in Canadian textbook
Weekend away at The Entrance to celebrate 2 year anniversary
Decided to seriously focus on SSS
Seminar – Kiyosaki, Robbins, Trump
Aunty arrives
Good friend has baby
London trip
Qantas strike
One of my best friends has her baby
Last steering committee meeting
Facilitated Geelong 10thousandgirl Workshop
T Harv Eker Millionaire Mind Intenstive
Started temp work at Notre Dame
Decided to write book
Family Christmas in Sydney (minus the sister Liane)
Lil sister Tatiane visted for holidays
Started family recipes and tradition
NYE at good friend's house with Family
What were your highlights SSSs? Why not go through your diary and pull out a summary of events and highlights that were in your 2011?
Make it as you wish SSSs,
Arienne xo
Love the pics Arienne, your blog is full of goodness and inspiration :) - Ida